Wastewater Permit Resources
Elutriate Systems
We are a complete solution company, offering design and installation, start up and training and operations of biological treatment system, designed for treating winery effluent. Elutriate offers a world class control group. We design and maintain remote monitoring systems which offer real time control and reduced labor cost for both our systems as well as existing systems.
A typical system consists of a Bio Reactors which use a rotary blower to provide aeration to the Bio Reactors, and retention. ES designs the size of the blowers and hydraulic retention of these systems with computer modeling, to obtain proven, optimized and guaranteed solution. The effluent flows to the first digestion tank where it is pH maintained at 6.5-7.5. The DO is controlled by a DO (Dissolved Oxygen) sensor and VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) so the output of the blower is regulated delivering the necessary aeration required but is also frugal on power usage and seasonal loading.
The BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) of the treated effluent is converted to “Compost Tea”, a great soil probiotic. The aerobic bacteria digests the BOD (Organic Carbon) and in turn make more bacteria, which is great in the soil. The bacteria is captured in the clarifier and returned to the first Bio Reactor tank to maintain a thick bacterial stew, for rapid BOD digestion and the excess used for land application.
Let us know how we can help your wastewater and regulatory compliance, we have been doing this for the past 20 years in California, Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino, Humbolt San Luis Obispo , Ventura, Monterey, San Joaquin counties with great success.
We provide the State Regulators exactly what they are looking for.

Wastewater Treatment Solutions
- Contact:
- Glenn Wensloff
- (805) 474-9390 Office
- (209) 603-7350 Cell
- elutriatin@aol.com
- elutriatesystems.com
wa dept of ecology
Washington’s Winery General Permit regulates discharges of process wastewater from wineries to land, groundwater, and wastewater treatment plants. No surface water discharges are allowed under this permit.
Visit the Dept. of Ecology winery permit web page which walks wineries through their need to permit and how to apply if they do.