Tax Information
Local and Federal Tax information
The Washington Wine Institute (WWI) strongly supports local and federal tax reform that benefits as many Washington State wineries as possible. WWI has worked proactively with state representatives and local industry members to protect wineries against tax increases, as well as introduce and support tax breaks like the B&O exemption below.
Fresh Fruit or Vegetable Manufacturers B&O Tax Exemption for all Sales Outside Washington State
Fresh fruit and vegetable manufacturers are exempt from business and occupation (B&O) tax on certain manufacturing and selling activities outside Washington State.
Click B&O Tax Exemption to learn what the exemptions provide and how to complete the excise tax return.
The Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act
WWI also works closely with WineAmerica, The Wine Institute, state wine associations across the country, and Washington State’s delegation to craft legislation that would benefit wineries in WA state. One successful result of that coalition created the “The Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act”, also known as the federal excise tax reform.