Direct to retailer sales
The Costco case raised this issue with the Federal courts, and after WWI weighed in asserting the necessity of retaining Washington wineries’ right to self- distribute, the Court sent the issue to the Legislature. The Legislature agreed with us and passed a law to preserve the right to act as your own distributor. (SB 6823)

Direct to consumer sales
The Granholm case requires equal treatment of in-state and out-of-state customers and our permit law enacted in 2006 accomplishes that goal. (SB 6537)

“Tied House” law changes
Wineries and winery associations can now use touring brochures to display winery locations as well as restaurants and hotels. Wineries can partner with restaurants to create private wine labels featuring both the winery and the restaurant. Wineries can now legally perform certain personal services at restaurants and wine shops, like bottle signings, participation and pouring at winemaker dinners, and other similar education or informational activities or events. Wineries may also furnish wine to chefs, but the cost of sampling may not be borne by a winery or distributor. Wineries can now provide links on your website to retailers and restaurants that carry your wines. Local winery trade associations will now be able to obtain special occasion permits to serve wine at events and keep proceeds from the event to support the association.

Shipment Via Common Carrier
Many small wineries shared their frustration regarding their inability to use a common carrier, like UPS, to get their product to market. Effective July 22, 2007, Washington wineries can now ship, via common carrier, up to 100 cases of wine per month to retailers. There is no limitation on the amount of wine provided to retailers directly by your winery. (SB 5898)

Fulfillment Services
In 2008, the Legislature passed a law authorizing bonded wine warehouses to provide services which include packaging and repackaging, bottle labeling, creating gift baskets and shipping wine order direct to consumers. (SB 6770)