Month: January 2025

Senate Law and Justice Committee Hearing: .05 BAC bill (SB 5067)

Julia Gorton, Washington Hospitality Association

Josh McDonald, Washington Wine Institute

Daniel Olson, Washington Brewers Guild

The Senate wasted no time in setting a hearing on Tuesday, the second day of the 105-day legislative session, for SB 5067 the legislative proposal to reduce our state’s allowed BAC from .08 to .05. We testified in opposition to the bill alongside our colleagues in the hospitality and craft beer industries and will continue to oppose this draft of the bill that fails to address what data tells us is factual in this debate; high BAC drivers and repeat offenders are the vast majority of DUI-related fatalities and tackling this problem has a much higher chance of making a meaningful impact on the safety of Washington roads. The proponents continue to ignore the data from Utah sadly showing their .05 law is not working; since 2020 Utah has seen a dramatic increase in DUI-related traffic fatalities. Regardless, we will continue to push for fact-based, data-driven discussions with our legislative leaders asking for a better outcome than what the bill will ultimately fail to provide. Thank you to all WWI members who signed in con on the bill for this week’s hearing; we will continue to ask for your help and support as this policy discussion continues along in the legislative process.

2025 Legislative Session Begins Monday, January 13th

The 2025 Legislative Session begins next Monday, January 13th, and is already off to an incredibly intense speed. Democrats continue to hold the majority in both the House and Senate as well as the Governor’s office. The 2025 Session will be a long, 105 days of the Governor, Senate, and House debating and passing all three of Washington State’s budgets (operating, capital, transportation) as well as many policy bills as both legislative bodies can find a majority of votes to pass. Washington Wine Institute’s priorities for this session include:

Opposing efforts to change our state’s BAC threshold from .08 to .05

Opposing any attempts to raise state wine excise taxes as a mechanism to fix our state’s multi-billion-dollar budget deficit

Supporting a deposit return system for wine glass bottles if state leaders decide to adopt some version of an extended producer responsibility (EPR) overhauling Washington State’s solid waste and recycling system and infrastructure by putting the cost and responsibility of product packaging on “producers” vs. our existing solid waste and recycling system

Supporting any opportunities to modernize our alcohol laws through legislation that provides wineries with more opportunities to market and sell their wine in our state